Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Blog 4

Reading a blog on The Right Side of Austin Written by James Johnson “If Obamacare is Upheld…. “, He talks about the right to firearms, in comparing Obama care and obtaining firearms. The letter fights that If Obama can pass a law requiring citizens to purchase health insurance no matter what, then there should be no hesitation for them to mandate citizens owning firearms. James continues with stating the second amendment guarantees the right of citizens to keep and bear arms. Where is the amendment that states where citizen are required to purchase health insurance? But in the case of purchasing a firearm a background check in to be done. Is this the right then to do? In my opinion I say yes and no at the same time because a background check can go way back in time and are you the same 10, 20, 50 years ago? You could or couldn’t be in this world you never know what you’re going to get.

The author of “If Obama care is Upheld…. “  states of fact but doesn’t make them clear enough to make his point across, and more information of the purchase of health insurance.   

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